My Due Date Came and Went…

Yesterday was my official due date based off my last missed period.  Oh, how I do NOT miss having my period – a definite perk to pregnancy.

Other big news is that I canceled the induction scheduled for TODAY.  I calmed my fears and after talking to my OB decided it was best to give baby a couple more days to see if she will make an appearance on her own.  She has one more week or else she will be officially evicted on 27 April 2011.

I feel good about the change in plans…well not physically good.  The past two weeks have been challenging to say the least, but in terms of allowing my body to try to react and set me in labor naturally, I feel confident that even if I wind up induced this was the right decision for me.

Today I lost a good piece of my mucus plug (definitely don’t look up a google image of that)!  A mucus plug blocks the opening of the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Before labor, the mucus plug is expelled so that the cervix can open to allow the baby to pass through during labor and birth.  I know not to get excited – when you lose your mucus plug it could be hours, days or even weeks before the baby arrives.  However, this is a positive sign showing me that my body is gearing up for the big day!